About Me

Hello my name is Hayley and I am an aspiring writer who happens to be fifteen-going-on-sixteen. I love writing, of course, watching the gripping, hilarious TV show Psych, reading paranormal and fantasy novels, listening to music, and wearing old-fashioned clothing with black lipstick. Oh, did I mention I'm a happy Goth? Well, I'm also an atheist who used to be Wiccan. Guess I'm just weird (but I hope you think it's in a good way).

I have wanted to be a writer since fifth grade and have been writing since my mom gave me a Storybook Weaver Deluxe for Easter in second grade. Now, I'm just finishing sophomore year and have a few short stories, various poems, a couple fanfics, many book ideas, and several chapters written of unfinished books. Join me as I strive to finally finish one of my babies.