Saturday, April 24, 2010

Writer's Block Sucks... and so do vampires.

Ugh! Ever since I read the first few chapters of Hooked by Les Edgerton, explaining to me how crucial the first chapter, scene, paragraph and line are I can't write! I've rewritten the opening scene for the Green-Blooded Myths series's first novel four times the past day (of course if you were counting the past three years, that number would be around ninety-two or more).

Of course I already knew that but this book just reinforced it. So I don't even know how to start off the series now. What should be the opening scene? Should Junior (my protagonist) be taking the Shiletel Test, an exam of the Shiletel Laws that she must pass before she can legally use her powers? Should she meet Lem in the first scene? Should it be her going to school with her cousins Beth and Benjy? Ugh!

And I bet you have no idea what I'm talking (or writing) about. But... what would you like to see the first scene? Please comment if you have any ideas!

Now on to the second part of the title. I'm sick of vampires. I just got done reading the second book of the Vladimir Tod series and, even though the first book was decent, this one sucked. Literally. I'm sick of every time I bring a book to a family function one of my older uncles thinks I'm reading Twilight.

I'm sick of vampires falling in love with their dinner basically. So, even though I love the paranormal, after I finish up (and yes no matter how awful the last book was I will) the Vladimir Tod series books that I already have I'm going to be staying away from vampires for a while.

This is why I created my own creatures for my books: Shiletels (Shy-ah-tells). So none of my readers can get sick of them too much because there aren't any other books about them.

Blessed be and if you would like to check out my review of Ninth Grade Slays by Heather Brewer, just go to my other blog, The Witch Reads. The badge leading to the blog is on my sidebar.

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