Monday, May 3, 2010

Ridding the World of Weeds

After getting my school assignments for the next week, I went to Orchard Supply Hardware (OSH) with my grandma to get soil and dog-friendly snail killer for her garden. I told her about my plans for the herb garden in my backyard and she bought me three new herbs along with the rosemary, oregano and thyme that my mom and sister gave me yesterday. I now have those plus lemon balm, dill and chives. My sister loves dill and chives so she will be excited when she gets home.

Before I can plant my herbs, I have to put some better soil on the hill and before that, I have to eliminate the weeds on said hill. So, wearing my mother's yard work gloves, I got on my knees and pulled the weeds.

It must have taken three or four hours combined with the efforts I did yesterday. There were a lot of weeds. Now I can't wait to plant my herbs and take care of them! Since I'm not doing regular school anymore, this garden will keep me from not being lazy.

I really want to get some ginger root to plant and maybe a cinnamon tree. Does anyone know if I can purchase some at OSH or Home Depot? My grandma says that she will let me take some of her mint to put in my garden.

I can't wait to have everything planted! Also, I can't wait until I marry a rich man or am a wealthy writer or whatever then I will have all the time in the world to tend not only a herb garden but a vegetable garden too and write my stories. Haha.

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